Monday 26 May 2008

My Latest News!

with thanx to missie for this sweet graphic...

Hello to all my readers and i hope you've all been keeping well and had a great holiday weekend. My weekend has been quite so far, all i've done is a couple of chores and watched TV as normal.

The last few weeks have been busy. I've been helping "?" by tidying up while decorating the hallway, up too last Monday that is untill "A" had one of his outbursts.

I hav'nt said much about "A" in my last couple of entries. "?" and i thought we would let him gain strength after his ordeal and without anyone knowing of his where abouts. All was ok for the first 2 weeks, then last Sunday he got a threatening text message from the person who had stabbed him. Last Monday when "A" came by, "?" asked "A" how did it come about that he was stabbed, all was still ok and "?" was talking normal (nicely)to him, then "?" mentioned a couple of things too him and all hell let loose. "A" went mad with rage and verbal abuse towards "?". "?" was sitting in his chair and "A" lent over to him  and put his  face in "?" face in an intimidating way and he was so patronizing towards him. God knows whats wrong with "A". As "A" left, he shouting abuse, slammed the door shut and sped away in his car in temper. He did'nt say anything bad to me at all, but he just might as well have done, because i felt anger towards him. We hav'nt seen or heard of "A" all this week, so i don't know whats happened to him since. I know he still has to go to the hospital about his kidney... I don't understand "A" at all, because there was nothing said that could have upset him...he just turned on apenny!

"?" has'nt been too well lately, so he has'nt finished off the decorating in the hallway yet. The outburst from "A" did'nt do him any good at all. "?" has been resting all week as he has felt so depressed and within himself.

I too have been under the weather. I've been feeling down in myself with chiari related symptoms. My hands have been numb with pain esspecially my right hand which has been cramping/twisting up and i've had a couple of severe pressure headaches and i've had a foggy brain for a couple of days. I'm feeling ok now though!

"SH" phoned in the week. Its the first i've heard from her for a few weeks now. She and "Z" have gone too "ASH" her friend at Maldon in Essex for a few days, not sure when she will be back though.

Friday, "?" and i were disgussing where too go during the summer hols. We have decided too go for days out. We thought we might go to Brighton one day and a couple of other places that we've never been too as well...hopefully, that is if nothing stops us (healthwise). As we hav'nt been too some of the place we want to go too, we bought one of those sat navs. I found it complicated myself, but "ST" knew how to work it straight away. "?" and "ST" went on short trips around this area and it works fine, so we're all set for

Last night i watched Pearl Harbour. I know its been on TV before, but i hav'nt seen it myself as i have to be in the right mood for certain films. I thought it was a good film and so well put together.

Well, i'm off now to watch some TV before "?" returns a bit later...Best wishes to you all and take care and i hope you all have a good week ahead of you.

Thursday 8 May 2008

Another busy week...

with thanx to Chris for this lovely graphic...

Hi everyone! I haope you all had a lovely holiday weekend and this week has been good for you.

"A" is getting better, slow but sure. He is still only eating sloppy foods or cut up tiny portions as he can't eat much really, he has also lost quite a lot of weight and he is using crutches to help him get around. He has to go to another hospital to see a specialist sometime this month about the opperation on his kidney as he has got a blood clot where the vestles or vesicles(something like that)have been severed...I can't tell you any more than that for obvious reasons.

 "ST" was here yesterday for the afternoon, he was helping "?" sawing a bit of wood for my cupboard in the hallway. Today, "?" finished the cupboard and stained the wood and doors of the cupboard so it matches my hallway doors, all it needs now is a door handle and its all done.

The faulty washing machine i had stuck in my kitchen waiting for collection was picked up yesterday and today the replacement one came, but i refused delivery for that one and they took it away again. Tuesday, i phoned Hotpoint to stop them from delivering, but the driver said no-one had told him. I'm pleased that i've got more room in my tiny kitchen again.

"?" and i have tried to keep ourselves busy this week, but "?" has been having Bipolar moments here and there which makes me feel like i'm walking on egg-shells half the time when he gets these mood swings.This thing going on with "A" has'nt helped either.

We hav'nt heard from "SH" at all this week. Nothing much else has happened too mention, so i will leave it here and i hope you all have a great weekend...Best Wishes to you all.



Sunday 4 May 2008

Busy Week...

with thanx to Chris for this beautiful graphic...

Hi everyone, i hav'nt been online for a couple of days as i've been busy and too tired.

I'm afraid i can't tell you too much about "A" for obvious reasons. All i can say is hes slowly on the mend and he has to go to another hospital to see a specialist about his kidney as there is definetly a blood-clot on the kidney where the vestles are( not sure if i've got the right word here) have been severed. He was told the other hospital will do the opperation... He's ok at the moment and as well as can be and resting.

This has been such a worrying time for us and to be honest i don't think the worry will ever go away.

My cousin Margaret's funeral was Friday afternoon. I was told she had 200 followers. The funeral went well (as well as funerals go that is.) The funeral was relayed too Canada where her sister "F" lives whom i have mentioned before in previous entries.

Myself, i went along to my appointment on Friday to get my lump investigated. After i had the mammogram and ultra-sound i had to see the consultant. He told me i am alright, but i've to go back in 4 weeks time to see if there is any change. I'm not sure what to thinkabout it something or nothing? still, i've been told i'm ok, so i must be!

As for my washing machine, i was told i've to wait for another 2 weeks for it to be delivered. Well, "?" repaired my old one and reinstalled it, so when the new one arrives, i will refuse delivery and  they can take it back and the faulty one thats stuck in my kitchen too...enough is enough!

"?" has'nt had time to finish off the cupboard in the hallway as other things have got in the way which needed to be done sooner rather then later.

Well, i hav'nt got any more news to tell. I hope your all having a great holiday weekend and i hope you all have a good week ahead of you. Best Wishes to you all...
