Friday 27 June 2008

Quite Time,Looking Forward

Not much has happened lately. "ST" came round last Saturday for the day and Tuesday and Thursday after his school work was done. He is getting on well with his school work.

We hav'nt seen or heard of "A" at all for quite sometime now. I've spoken to "SH" a couple of times on the phone, she said "A" is ok. I think about "A" everyday wondering how he is and if hes ok.

"?" is still having up and down problems with his health, Fibromyalgia,Bipolar,Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. All this can be a nightmare at times esspecially for "?" and for me too.

"?" has gone away for a few days. I am in my element with my solitude, i know that sounds terrible, but i need to have some time to myself too so i can unwind and relax with no-one to tell me what and when i can do things ect...

Today, i hav'nt done anything, just sat and read some of my book CRACKDOWN by Bernard Cornwell. Its a thriller set in the real world of international crime. (Readers Digest hard-back)  Then i came online for a while. I hav'nt been online for a few days because, i could'nt hold my concentration and found myself just staring at the screen. I've been like that for quite sometime and i lose interest quickly, plus i've had a few painful headaches. Tomorrow, i will have to knuckle down and do some chores as i hav'nt done anything today.


Wroxham Norfolk Broads

I'm looking forward to my holiday in August, we're going to Gorleston part of Gt. Yarmouth. "?" and i will be taking "ST" and "Z" and hopefully "J". I know they are all looking forward to our hols too. I hav'nt mentioned it to "J" at all incase she can't come, because i would'nt want to upset her. I will leave that up to "L" and "A" incase it causes friction between "A" and us...its a tricky situation. as "J" mostly stays with "A" at the weekends.







Wednesday last i went into Romford and bought myself a few tops for my holiday from the market. Its very rare for me to go out and buy clothes for myself, i normally buy one or two things from my catologue and i make them clothes last for years. I've still yet to buy a couple of more clothes and a pair of shoes.

While i was at Romford i went along to Maplin's to buy a pressure aerosol and an anti-static wrist strap to hook onto the computer tower when i clean out the computer so as i don't damage the components in the tower or i won't have a computer left at all. I will clean out the tower sometime this week while its quite. I think i will delete a lot of stuff too as i hav'nt got a lot of computer memory left.

Well, thats all my news for now. I hope your all keeping well and i hope you all have a great weekend...Best Wishes to one and all.



Anonymous said...

Loved the picture of Romford market.  I used to go there every week and on Saturdays.  I remember when they still had animals in pens there.  Love Norfolk so I am sure you will have a great holidays.  Nothing wrong with having time to yourself.

Anonymous said...

I admire you for loving your solitude.  I've always been a bit of a loner, myself, but since moving here, I've had alot of trouble being lonely.  Solitiude has definitely lost its luster!  You relax and heal!

Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

it's so nice to be alone for a bit. I know I love my kids but I enjoy my time a lone at times to. So enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Good to read a post from you Astra.I hope ? enjoys his break and you your own company.Yes it's nice to be alone at times.I hope you have a wonderful holiday and the weather is kinder to you than it has been to me this last week on one of my breaks.Grrrrrr.Rain Rain Rain here at home too.When is it going to stop.Take Care of yourself Astra. God Bless Kath astoriasand