Saturday 20 September 2008

Letters, Appointments and Public Relations

Hi everyone, i hope your all keeping well. As you know i received a letter from "A" a couple of weeks ago and wrote back to him last week. I told him that "ST" is worrying about what is happening to him and i told him it would be nice if he could ring "ST" sometime during the week.  Friday, "ST" received a letter from"A".  When we picked "ST" up today (Saturday), he was telling us about his letter he had received and it seemed like a weight had been lifted from him. Myself and "?" felt pleased that "A" had written to him and i hope "A" will continue to do so, because all this has got to "ST" as he seems to be taking things inwardly.

I've had a couple of phone calls from my daughter "SH" this week and for the life of me i can't remember a thing of what she had to say, maybe thats a good thing aye? ha! ha! ha!

There's a new family moved in along the road a couple of weeks ago now. Earlier today they were argueing in the street, i suppose you could call that "Public Relations" ha! ha! ha!

The hospital had re-arranged "?" appoinment with the urologist. His new appoinment is for October now, he did have the appoinment for 18/9/08... And he is still waiting for his other appoinment with the Neurologist which should be soon.

This has been a right messed up, confusing week and at the moment i'm not sure how to put it into words, its all to do with a corner shower unit being fitted in, as you can imagine this is going to take a lot longer than expected and more confusion.

Well, thats all the news i can tell you bout for now, so i wish you all a great weekend and Best Wishes to one and all...




Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear from you Astra, take care. :o)

Love Sandra xxxx