Tuesday 21 August 2007


      with thanx to Chris for this lovely graphic...


This morning was a complete nightmare which was my fault entirely. To begin with, yesterday "?" asked me to lend him some money so i did and i could collect his money today. 

So, this morning i went along to the hole in the wall and put the card in the machine and guess what! i put the wrong PIN in 3 times and the machine swollowed up the card. "?" lent me the money back out of what i had given him the day before so i could get my weekly shop. I have put up with a right old ear bashing today i tell you.

When we got home from the shop at 8:30am. "?" rang the bank at 9am when they opened and he was put through to head office and they are sending him out a new card and PIN. This afternoon i went into the bank to dip into my savings so i could get over to next week and give "?" his extra money that he should have had coming to him today. It has been a right old mix up day today. When "?" gets his new card arrives in about a week, he will give me my money back...I do hope i don't do that again, i'm never going to live this down!

We went to pick "ST" up at 10:30am, on the way over there the traffic was quite heavy over Becontree station hill the workmen have got the road blocked on one side. With both roads blocked on Becontree and Heathway stations it is a right pain to get too and from each side of the railway.

We took "ST" home at 5pm. "L" was'nt in so, i phoned her. She said she was on her way back from Asdas, so we waited outside the flat. While we were waiting 2 police officers were walking towards us and asked why are we waiting there, so i told the officers we were waiting for "ST" mum to come back. I don't know what they were thinking i'm sure!

"ST" took all his money home with him that he had saved over the weeks and the money we gave him for his birthday as he wants to go and buy a couple of things that he wants, it will be his birthday tomorrow he will be 14 this year. Then later in the evening he is going round to his other granparents  as they have got presents coming for him there too, then Thursday, "L" is taking him to Lakeside to buy what he wants.

After my eventful day i feel quite tired out. "?" has felt stressed out over his card and money all day...trust me to cause an uproar! Well, thats all my eventful news for one day. Best wishes to one and all.




Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Astra. Bit of an inconvenience...

Anonymous said...

that happened to me once, poof your card is gone in the machine so fast. LOL. I hated to go in the bank and do that whole pin thing order another card thing. What a pain. I hope you get your money as soon as you get the card.

Anonymous said...

It's when you have more than one bank account Astra the problems start.Remembering the differant numbers LOL.It's  apin when the bank is closed must be.I have never done it thank goodness,but I don't use the hole in the wall so often.I much rather go inside.I usually know whe the bank is quiet and what days.He-He.I can imangine th euproar though as MEN are not as understanding as us women.Well not many.I wish ST a " VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY" he will have a ball buying all he needs.Road works are in Town here on a very busy spot too and it means tailbacks for all the visitors.They are a real pain.I hope you soon feel better.As for the police well I have never heard of that before.Asking adults like yourself why they are waiting.You should have replied we are expecting THE QUEEN LOL!! Have a lovely day with ST if you see him today.Take Care God Bless Kath
astroiasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

Anonymous said...

Good grief, Astra!  I had no idea that the poxy machines eat cards after three tries!  Not nice!  How frustrating!

Anonymous said...

What bad luck!!  I'm sorry the machine ate your card.  Look at the bright side.  The bank was looking after you not knowing if you were a thief or not.  Enjoy the rest of your week.

Anonymous said...

That is so annoying when the ATM machines do that., when it happened to me I had to wait ages for a new card and PIN...grrr!  

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

So now you have to learn a new pin number ,oh dear we do make life difficult for our selves dont we ? lol ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Astra,

My name is Donna and I am new to your journal and wanted to introduce myself Ü. OMG I hate when the machine takes your card away! This has happened a few times to me as well. I hope it all gets straightend out quickly.

I hope tomorrow will be a better and happier day for you Ü. I look forward to reading your journal.
