Monday 18 June 2007

Problems and Birthday...

Above is a pic of "Z" birthday cake with her baby pic on it...

Monday 11/6/07... The weekend is now telling on me. I have aches and pains in my legs and a lot of pains in my feet too. "A" came by for a while then left. "ST" and "Z" were either on the computer or the X-Box today. In the afternoon, "?" and i took the kids home around 3:30pm and "?" left around 6pm. Later, i went online to answer a couple of emails and closed down and had an early night.

Tuesday 12/6/07... This morning "?" took me to get my shopping in for the week and i returned my parcel ( my tops, they were too big ) The man came to put new washers in my taps.

This afternoon "?" cut his hair with the new clippers he had bought and i straightened up the back for him. "?" left around 7:15pm this evening.

Later i went online to upload some pics i had taken at Gt.Yarmouth and Caister. I will have to buy some discs to transfer them too.

Wednesday 13/6/07... This morning "?" came in at 5:15am. ( i was'nt happy ) he brought in with him some bits of clothing for "Z". I think they will be too small for her as she is big for her age. He also brought in a DVD that i wanted to borrow "The Queen". It is now 8:45am and it is warm and the sun is shining.

I've put my battries on charge, because "SH" wanted to borrow my camera tomorrow for "Z" birthday party she is 8yrs old tomorrow...I wonder what the rest of the day will bring, i'm feeling tired already.

This morning i went to pick up a prescription from the Drs. surgery for "?", but it was'nt ready and i had to go back for it this afternoon at 1:30pm.

On our return, "T" next door asked "?" for his help fixing his new lawn-mower together, so he helped him. "A" came by for a short while then left.

Later after dinner, i returned to pick-up the prescription at the surgery and it had been taken over to the chemist, so off i went and it was there at the chemist and i still had to wait again. "?" had his meds "Fluoxetine capsuls" he had already missed out on 2 days of medication which was telling on him.

Thursday 14/6/07... This morning, i got a surprise."ST" knocked at the door at 8:15am. He came round to us instead of going to school. The boys who started on him before was waiting for him to go to school to beat him up

I phoned "Z" at 8:30am and sang# HAPPY BIRTHDAY# to her she is 8 yrs old today. I gave her money so she can buy what she wants.

Later when the school was open, "?" phoned and spoke to the head of year and made an appointment to see him tomorrow about "ST" being bullied. We let "L" know that "ST" was at ours and we would bring him home when we go round "SH" house for "Z" birthday party

Later we went to "Z" birthday party. "Z" had her friends in they were having a good time. "SH" friend was there too. "?" discussed "ST" problem with "A" and "L"... Later, "?" and i went home and "?" left at 9:45p.

I'm off now to write my follow-up entry...Best Wishes to you all.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the updates.  Lovely cake. Hope you get the bullying sorted out.

Anonymous said...

Certainly was a lovely cake!
Hope your week is off to a good start. :)

Anonymous said...

So the bullying has reared its ugly head again ,that is worrying Astra ,what a lovely cake ,hope Z had a lovely Birthday,and that you are feeling better Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Bullying is unacceptable, hope it gets stamped out. Birthday cake looked lovely!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope you get to the bottom of the bullies!!  No one deserves to be bullied.  Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I love the cake! I hope that Bulling stops.